Redbud News

REDBUD LABS-STR Microfluidic Chip Outperforms Magnetic Beads in Affinity-capture Study
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, August 5th, 2019 (NEWSWIRE) – Redbud Labs announced today new results that show the speed of its microfluidic sample preparation chip, STR™ (“sorter”). STR...

Cartridge-ready, explained
Your laboratory tools are lying to you. Cartridge-ready tools won’t. Benchtop assays fail in cartridges Your assay is working at the lab bench. You design a cartridge to automate the assay. You go...

Dr. Spero presents at LOAC & Microfluidics
Dr. Richard Spero presented a talk entitled An Open Platform for Microfluidic Sample Prep on Tuesday June, 18th in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Developing a new lab-on-chip device is inherently...

400 Park Offices Dr.
Suite 301
RTP NC 27709
In The News

SARS-CoV-2: What it means for Redbud
Our mission at Redbud Labs is to enable higher performing sample-to-answer tests that are faster and less expensive to develop. Never in our lifetimes has it been clearer how critical that goal is, for our industry, for public health, and for our peace of mind. Like everyone else in our industry and around the world, Redbud Labs has spent the last few weeks adjusting to the emergence of SARS-CoV-2.