Redbud News

The state of safely reopening amid COVID-19
Ready or not, states are moving ahead to re-open and workers are returning to their places of employment. Understandably, many American workers are concerned about personal safety and what it means...

Sample prep method considerations for sample-to-answer systems
System developers are faced with designing systems to deliver consistent, high quality results, faster. Scientists and engineers must work achieve their specifications while keeping development and...

What COVID-19 teaches us about diagnostic Whack-a-Mole
The first SARS-CoV-2 sequence was released on January 10, just 40 days after the incidence of pneumonia started to rise in Wuhan, China. The World Health Organization released its first diagnostic...

400 Park Offices Dr.
Suite 301
RTP NC 27709
In The News

Redbud exhibits at the APHL 2023 ID Lab Con
The Association of Public Health Laboratories 2023 Infectious Disease Lab Con is happening March 13-15th at the Westin Peachtree Plaza Hotel in Atlanta, GA. Redbud Labs is exhibiting at Table Top 2 (TT 2) and will showcase the Redbud NA1 platform and cartridge consumables.